This project aims to improve health services by strengthening the quality of the provincial education system.
Duration: 2020-2023
Among the priority needs of Attapeu province, the provision of quality and proximity health services is at the top of the list because in some parts of the province, inhabitants have to travel long distances to access to care services. The increase in health infrastructure requires more trained medical staff. In response to this growing need for qualified nurses, a nursing training institute has been created under the impetus of doctors and nurses from Attapeu Provincial Hospital, who have benefited from the medical training curriculum developed by the SFE during its five successive hospital support projects in Attapeu. This training institute can receive between thirty and forty students per year. The curriculum provides for 2 years of study to obtain the nursing diploma. Currently, this institute is not accredited by the Ministry of Education because it does not meet all the formal criteria and the diploma granted by the institution is not officially recognized. The managers of the institute have contacted SFE, as a former partner, to develop a project to support medical education in order to raise the level of teaching at the training institute to the national academic standard. The possibility of a new partnership was seen as an opportunity for the SFE to continue its involvement in the Province.
The project is the result of a request from those in charge of the Training Institute who approached the SFE, as a former partner, to develop a project to support medical education.
The Ministry of Health and the Department of Health at the provincial and district levels were involved in the creation of the project and supported it.