Accueil>Les actualités>Salavan, end of project and perspectives

Salavan, end of project and perspectives

Our SFE HEDP project in the province of Salavan ended this summer. With the lockdown imposed by the Covid, we were behind schedule in our activities but most of it could be finished before the rainy season.

We are pleased to have been able to complete, with the participation of the villagers, 485 toilets in 9 out of 10 villages and 5 water systems that provide running water to 952 people. Now, women and children no longer need to fetch water and carry their heavy bucket home, they just turn on the tap to cook, wash dishes or wash. This is a big step forward for hygiene and a big improvement toward the villagers’ health. The inauguration ceremony for the systems and toilets allowed the provincial authorities to come and realize the quality of the work that SFE is doing in these villages.

A new project for 2021

According to the latest discussions with health officials in Salavan, they are happy with what is being done and have asked us to create a new project to continue helping. We are therefore preparing, the new project which should start in 2021. We have already chosen 10 new villages, 5 health centers and 2 hospitals.