Accueil>Les actualités>SFE project in response to covid-19 pandemic

SFE project in response to covid-19 pandemic

A project in response to COVID-19 pandemic in Attapeu province approved by Mininstry of Health

A US$30,000 emergency response activity funded by SFE, BASAID and French Embassy to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic has been approved by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Laos on the 26th of October 2020. The 12 months activity will be implemented basically in the Provincial Hospital, District and 10 target Villages of Attapeu Province.

The response activity was designed to support the implementation of the national plan for hospital preparedness with the highlight on equipping the health care providers with clinical knowledge and skill to provide high quality, respectful care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

Training in sampling
The Covid outfit

Moreover, hospitals in Attapeu Province like any other hospitals face many challenges when dealing with COVID-19, from a shortage of supplies, equipment, to infrastructure that is difficult to adapt for the safe care of the infectious patient. So part of the activity offers support to decrease the impact of this problem to ensure the safety of the medical staff and patients.

On the other hand, prior to the implementation of the emergency response, the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the representative of Attapeu Provincial Health Department and SFE has been on the scheduled on the 17th of November 2020. This inauguration will allow the beginning of the implementation process.